If you have eczema you’ve probably asked yourself this a few times: Why does sweating cause me such severe itching and irritation? Though there are some theories floating around among the scientific community with regard to eczema sweat rash, the facts are not yet known to professionals. As a result, physical activity like running or weightlifting can become difficult to manage. But with that being said, eczema relief is possible! Here are 5 tips that will help you stay in shape or allow you build up a sweat on those hot summer days, without having to worry about the dreaded eczema itch:
- Drink Plenty of Water
Anyone with eczema has inherently dry skin. That’s because it’s not doing a good job of keeping moisture contained. Hot and dry conditions do not offer the best climate for eczema sufferers. Therefore, drinking enough water throughout the day will help to keep the body and skin hydrated, healthy and offer a better chance of decreased eczema outbreaks.
- Consider your Attire
It’s important to choose proper clothing to minimise skin irritation when the body heats up. Loose-fitting clothing made of 100% cotton is your best bet for reducing symptoms, whereas fabrics such as polyester or spandex will likely irritate your skin. Breathable, light fabrics are the way to go for a comfortable experience.
- Moisturise
Moisturising in the morning is a good way to get started on your easing your eczema symptoms for the day. Certain emollients have shown to be effective in soothing and healing irritated skin. Hope’s Relief natural Moisturising Lotion is full of antioxidants and uses mango butter to deeply moisturise and nourish dry itchy skin.
- Don’t be Afraid to take a Break
Especially during exercise. Your body heats up throughout the day when you’re involving yourself in normal activities or events. When you feel exercise induced eczema symptoms starting to rise, look for some cool shade or have a seat and fan yourself off.
- Take a Shower!
You may have heard of bleach baths to decrease bacterial infection to reduce eczema related symptoms, but a regular shower/bath utilising a non-soap based wash such as Hope’s Relief Soap-free Cleansing Bar can also be an important and soothing part of eczema relief.
We understand it can get frustrating, but you’re not alone, there are many other people who experience eczema and heat intolerance, but help is available. Please contact us if you have any further questions on eczema relief and what more you can do to manage your symptoms.